When the fifth mogul emperor of India , Shah Jahan, ordered the commencement of an architectural marvel in 1632 AD,it ushered india into architectural spotlight.Nearly 25000 craftsmen worked on this project and over 50 architects supervised this engineering marvel over a span of 16 years.Legend has it that,this masterpiece was built by the emperor as an ode to his late wife Tage Mehale(few know her as Mumtaz).It is believed that the emperor was so affectionate,passionate(use whatever adjective you want) that he could not see a life worth living without her.Hence the decision to commission(sounds rhyming right..cool) a marvel,which alone could rival her beauty.Maybe it did too.It was not a surprise when this masterpiece was declared as one of the [then] modern 7 wonders and later UNESCO World heritage site in 1983.
Time and Tide waits for none.Now the time has come for electing the new 7 wonders of the modern world.With less than a month to go for the deadline,people all over the globe are punching their ballot cards expressing their choice of modern 7 wonders.It is a fact that 'Our Taj',the nation's pride, is lagging behind by quite a margin in this race to 'pride and honour'.The time has come for us to reaffirm India's presence in the global map [once again].We did that in 1947 by gaining independence without firing a bullet.We did that in the 1970's by placing a man on space.We did that in 1997 by testing Nuclear war head[when no one believed we were capable].We can do it once again.
We are humans.We have sixth sense.We all love.We have passion.We appreciate beauty.We care for others.We are Indians and we are patriotic.
"Getting to the top is great but staying at the top is greater".We got 'Taj' to the top once before.Now we need to do it again.
I earnestly urge you to go and vote for 'Taj' and make India proud once again.
1 comment:
Pradeep , I would have still gone for the "Tejo Mahalay" theory .. ANyways it is a wonder.. Agreed
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